
Showing posts from November, 2013

Kemuliaan Kekasih Allah swt

Diriwayatkan setelah kewafatan Rasulullah Saw, Sayidina Abu Bakar berazam utk melakukan segala sunnah baginda semasa baginda hidup. Setelah melakukan semuanya, beliau brtanya kpd anaknya Aishah, " Adakah lg sunnah kekasihku itu yg belum sy tunaikan?" Aisyah menjawab," Hanya 1 lg ayahku, Rasulullah Saw pada setiap pagi akan pergi ke pasar & menyuap makan kepada seorg Yahudi buta di sana." Lantas, Saiyidina Abu Bakar menuju ke pasar dan menyuap si Yahudi buta itu makan. Lelaki Yahudi itu seperti selalu, tidak henti-henti menghina & mengutuk Rasulullah Saw, sedangkan dia tidak mengetahui bahawa selama ini lelaki yg dia hina itu menyuap makannya setiap hari. Dengan kerinduan Sayidina Abu Bakar trhadap Nabi Saw masih belum pudar, berasa begitu hiba & tidak mampu menahan air matanya mengenangkan bagaiman sabarnya baginda menyuap makan lelaki ini yang sentiasa menghinanya setiap hari. Namun, Sayidina Abu Bakar hanya mampi menahan kesedihannya. Tiba- tiba, si Ya...

The Power of Schedule..

As we have entered a new year - 1435H, I would like to share a tip on how to achieve any goals that you want to. I came across this article about how to have a new habit. The author said he made consistent  progress  towards my goals, not by setting a deadline for my performance but by sticking to a schedule. In other words, plan and stick with the schedule. This is the part that I find very interesting esp. the 2nd last sentence ; "Productive and successful people  practice  the things that are important to them on a consistent basis.  The best weightlifters are in the gym at the same time every week. The best writers are sitting down at the keyboard every day. And this same principle applies to the best leaders, parents, managers, musicians, and doctors. The strange thing is that for top performers, it’s not about the performance, it’s about the continual practice. The focus is on doing the action, not on achieving  X  goal by a cer...

Just because...

" The intention to stare at your love for a long period of time in public, in front of everybody - just can't be fulfilled and it is only because I'm afraid of people will think that I'm crazy. But they just don't know the awe and love that I felt just to see his face." ~There's some kind of magnetic force but I have to repel it with the time constraint that we have to meet... Image credit to

Salam Maal Hijrah 1435

   Salam Maal Hijrah 1435 to all Muslims..A new year has come knocking on our door and it is here now. Let us pray that we all remains united in Islam and become stronger with our faith to Him, Allah SWT. Let us put more trust to Him and let Him be the only place we seek for request & help. Amin Ya Rabbal A'la Min... Image credit to tyt2000@deviantart